Thursday, May 2, 2013

Working in the Milhouse-hostel in Cusco

After travelling for two months we both had a feeling that it would be nice to stop for a while. As there are many hostels in Cusco we decided to ask around if they need any workers anywhere. There would have been work in many hostels but we ended up working in a hostel called Milhouse which is a new hostel in Cusco but belongs to a same hostel chain were we stayed in Buenos Aires.

(The main plaza in Cusco)

The work was pretty simple and easy to learn. We worked in the bar of the hostel mostly during the mornings or days taking orders and making sure everything was clean. As most of the hostel work also this one was volunteer work for exchange free accommodation but we also got good discounts on food, drinks and tours especially to Machu Picchu. The people in the hostel were all really nice and every day we got to know new travellers who were staying in the hostel.

Almost every night there was something going on in the hostel such as live bands, drinking games, theme parties etc and many times we ended up going out after drinking at the bar. The nightlife in Cusco is pretty good and the clubs are open until the sunrise. So many funny nights we had!

Cusco as a city is also very nice. It's located in the altitude of 3000 meters so the sun is really strong during the days but in the evenings it is freezing cold. The town itself has cobblestone streets, old buildings, big plazas and mountains around. There are many shops, restaurants, museums and markets. Peru also has an amazing food culture and from the markets you can find anything from pig heads to horse meet. We also tried the local Peruvian delicacy guineapig which was served as a whole figure with the head and everything! The taste was actually not that bad but just looking at the poor little animal made us feel sick.

In the end we ended up staying in the hostel for about two weeks. Magda wanted to travel more and make her way up to Columbia but I will stay in Peru for a while and work here. It has been an amazing two months travelling together but there are new adventures waiting for both of us now. :)