Sunday, September 15, 2013

Teaching continues in Peru...

My 4 months English teacher training went actually really fast and after the training I decided to stay here in Urubamba a bit longer and continue working as a paid teacher. Teaching in Peru has been really rewarding but definitely different than teaching back in Finland! Not only the language barrier is sometimes an obstacle but also the lack of basic writing and reading skills that unfortunately surprisingly many people have here..

What has been rewarding about teaching is definitely the motivated students! Because the locals in our school pay to learn English they are also really keen to study. In half a year I also feel that I have gained more skills in Spanish to also teach and explain things better to the students. Also the freedom in our school to plan my own lessons gives motivation to teach things that I am also interested in and that makes the lessons also more interesting for the students.

During this past six months I've settled down well to Peru and Urubamba and the town feels like a second home now. I also moved to another house a bit further from the town and now I live together with peruvian guys. The house is big and nice and we have a beautiful garden. 

(Our puppies Penke and Titan)

So I’ve promised to teach here at least until the end of February so until that Urubamba will be my home but after that new adventures might call again….