Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Everyday-life in Bali

Getting used to the every day-life here has been quite interesting because the way of living differs so much from the routines in Finland. For example the eating habits are different from back home, because Balinese eat rice for every occasion, which means rice for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Any Western food is really expensive here and therefore I also eat rice and noodles every day. Luckily eating in a local restaurant here is so cheap that there is no point of cooking your own dinner. 

Balinese people are really friendly people and they are always smiling to you. Even the people you don’t know comes to ask from you how are you or where are you staying at. Not all the locals speak good English so they get really happy if you can say couple of words in Bahasa Indonesia. It is also useful to know a couple of phrases of the language when you buy something from the markets and you can bargain like the locals. 

Balinese people are also quite religious. Their main religion is Balinese Hinduism which is also influenced by naturalism and animism. Balinese people try to obtain a balance and a harmony in their life by keeping both the people and the gods happy. They also believe in the law of karma and therefore all the little gestures have an impact. There are temples everywhere in Bali including in every home and almost in every habit or event has a spiritual meaning. There are ceremonies almost every other day and during the ceremonies people have a day off from work because they are busy of making all the offerings ready for the gods. There are also many customs which are important to know so you won’t insult the local people. For example you are never allowed to point someone with your finger or give something with your left hand (the toilet hand). 

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