Sunday, October 16, 2011

...Lost in translation... couple words of Bahasa Indonesia

Indonesian language is not actually that hard to learn.  For example, Indonesian people don’t use the be-verb at all and they don’t have any past or future sentences. If you want to say that you have done something yesterday or you will do something tomorrow, you will simply add yesterday or tomorrow in the normal sentence. Also the way they make plural words is quite funny because when they want to say a word in plural, they only say that word twice in a row, such as, boys = laki-laki.  The only difficult thing to remember is that they have possession sentences other way round, such as my book = buku saya, book mine.

For Finnish people the pronunciation of the Indonesian words is quite easy because also in Indonesian words all the letters are said. There are also some funny words in Indonesian which are similar to Finnish but have a different meaning, such as rumah = a house, sekolah = a school, satu = number 1, lima = number 5. 

One funny thing about Indonesians is that they don’t want to distinguish people’s sex but rather they pay attention to the number order of the children in the family. This means that there is only one word for she and he but then they have different words for big brother and sister and little brother and sister. Also the names of the Indonesian people are given depended on what number you are in the family, such as Wayan 1st, Made 2nd, Nyoman 3rd and Ketut 4th child. 5th child starts the list again so there might be many children called Wayan in the family. The names are same for girls and boys but for boys they ad I and for girls Ni in the front of the name. So that's why Balinese people’s names are easy to remember because they only have 4 names they use. :)

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