Thursday, March 7, 2013

A weekend full of action at Ilha Grande

After Rio we decided to spend couple of days on a small island called Ilha Grande, which was only a two-hour drive to the port where we took a one-hour ferry to the island. However, the trip wasn’t that simple as it was supposed to be… First of all, after couple of hours sleep from the night before, travelling with heavy backpack is never fun. Then trying to explain to the driver, who doesn’t speak any English, that we need to get some cash out on the way because on the island aren’t any ATM’s. Finally when we got to the port, Magda realized that she had mysteriously lost one of her favorite sandals. Possibly it was dropped out from the van when another customer had left the car one stop before. We were undoubtedly a funny looking two blonds with heavy bags and cranky faces and one of us walking with only one shoe… 

When we saw the boat which was supposed to take us to the island we thought that it was a joke! This tiny boat with capacity to max 8 people were barely staying above the water and the cockeyed captain could not possible even go straight with the boat and not to even mention about taking us all the way to the island! Luckily we had some local tourists coming with us to the same boat and made us to feel safer. However, these locals started their holiday straight away by lighting up a joint and laughing and dancing the whole way to the island. It was a wonder that nobody fall overboard… 

 We had booked dorm beds from a hostel beforehand but again as we are two blonds, we had forgotten to write down the address of the hostel and even the whole name of the hostel. So there we were again walking around on this island with our backs trying to ask locals where this hostel, which name we only partly remembered, were located and in some miracle way we did find the right place! 

Our plan for the two-day stay on the island was just to relax on the beach but actually the days filled up with heavy hiking in the rainforest while we were searching for the tranquil beaches with turquoise water without really thinking that almost 20 km hike in the rainforest during the hottest time of the day might be quite hard thing to manage.. So on the second day we had managed to hike to another beautiful beach and we couldn’t be bothered to hike back and therefore we decided to take a boat back to the town we were started. So after these two days we were not really feeling relaxed, instead our feet hurt like hell and again walking with the backpacks were not fun at all…

One of the funniest things that we experienced on the island was during our last evening when we went to drink some beers with our German friends to a small local bar and suddenly a tropical storm hit the island and it started to rain heavily. Instead of the locals on the island moved away from the rain, these people went crazy about the storm and started to dance in the rain! Brazilian funk music loud on the background the locals started to show their moves which look more like they were giving lap dances to each other and when they tried to get us involved, we decided that it’s time leave this place because it just looked too crazy for us to handle…

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