Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Not so successful shopping trip to Paraguay

The last day in Puerto Iguazu we still had one whole day time to kill before our night bus to Buenos Aires and we decided to visit Paraguya as the city of Ciudad del Este was just one hour away by bus. We also had heard that the city is good for shopping which we couldn't really imagine about Paraguay so we wanted to give it a go. However, of course the trip there and crossing the border was not that simple again as it was supposed to be and the whole trip caused us more stress than joy. 

When we actually got to the side of Paraguya, straight away we could see lots of shopping malls, small markets and advertisements for international products.This was not that kind of Paraguay we had imagined at all! As we didn't have a map of the city, we wanted to take the bus until the last stop, which was the bus terminal, in able to catch the bus back to Argentina from the right place. However, what we didn't realize was that the bus terminal locates on the outskirts of the city and that it was too far away to walk back to the center. Luckily we were not the only tourists who did the same mistake and took the same bus embarrased straight back to the center.

After loosing precious shopping time with the hasseling of the busses in the end we had only about an hour shopping time in the city. But actually after checking the firsts shops we realized that it was more than enough because shopping there was again pretty disappointing. The only good thing about shopping there was that we could use the rest of the reals we had left from Brazil as almost all the shops accepted any currency from their neighboring countries. 

As we had the night bus to catch that evening we were pretty worried how to get back to the town in Argentina as the bus trip earlier was such a big hassle. Also the fact that the city didn’t really have actual bus stops we weren't really sure where we could hop on to the bus. After watching the locals getting into the busses we figured out that we just had to wait on the side of the main street to look for the right bus and wave for the bus and hope that the bus will stop to pick us up. So when we finally saw our bus, it stopped on the middle of the road and we ran to get inside because we definitely didn't want to miss this bus! In all this hurry I almost was run by a scooter as we hadn't got used to the fact that the drives here won’t give away to the pedestrians at all… Lucky me nothing happened and we made it safely back to Argentina and caught our bus to Buenos Aires on time.

Night bus to Buenos Aires, that was a comfy one!

Long way to Buenos Aires, 20 hours sitting in a bus...

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