Monday, March 18, 2013

Iguazu falls - The first stop in Argentina

After travelling 3 weeks in Brazil, we were ready to leave this beautiful country of samba and head to search for the rhythms of tango in Argentina! Our first stop in Argentina was a small town called Puerto Iguazu which is famous from one of the biggest waterfalls in the world. However, before entering to this small town we had to somehow figure out how to get from the town in Brazilian side to the Argentinian side and after travelling for 15 hours by uncomfortable bus the night before and sleeping only couple of hours, crossing the border was not that simple thing to do. This mission included 4 different busrides, queuing twice to get stamps on our passports from both sides of the border and lots of waiting and miscommunication. After surviving to Argentina we still had one more problem to be solved - to find a place to stay. So there we were again walking with our backpacks on the hottest time of the day with no energy left at all, trying to find a cheap place to stay and when we finally found a bed for the night, we couldn't be happier to relax the rest of the day.

So the next day we were full of energy and wanted to devote the whole day for the famous falls. The visit to the Iguazu falls turned out to be really expensive but it was definitely worth it! The national park itself was so huge that there was even a small train running around the park and many hike trails which had smaller waterfalls in every corner. The best part of the whole day was definitely a speed boat ride under the falls where we got totally wet but were laughing the whole time we spent on the boat.  

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