Saturday, March 16, 2013

Partying in Florianopolis

After Sao Paulo we were looking forward to go to a place with a beach so we had quite high expectations for Florianopolis. But of course for our luck it started to rain as soon as we got to the town… And not just some rain but actually so heavy rain that the streets were flooding like crazy…

In a small place like that there’s not much to do if it’s raining – expect drinking! And because it was also a Saturday night the hostel had put on a nice little party for us. We also had an organized transport to a night club and it wasn’t just a normal bus but actual party bus with disco lights, good music and people dancing on the floor and even on the seats! It was a crazy party!

After partying until sunrise we were happy that the next day was sunny and we could relax on the beautiful beach just next to our hostel. After catching the sun again we were ready to head to the inland towards the border of Brazil and Argentina!

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