Sunday, March 10, 2013

The local touch of Paraty

After the weekend in Ilha Grande our next stop was in a small town called Paraty which is famous from the colonial-time buildings, cobblestone streets and picturesque beaches. Because we wanted to travel cheap, we decided to take the public transport there. The public ferry was pretty simple but the two-hour bus ride was just a total nightmare when the bus was so crowded that people had to stand with their luggage and of course there was no air-condition so by the end of the trip we were pretty exhausted…  

Already the first evening in the town we met some nice locals in our hostel. One of the guys had a fancy car with amazing sound system with music videos and somehow we ended up cruising around the center playing music loud windows wide open to look for the best party of the town. Unluckily it was a Monday night so the party in the car was much better than in any other place in town. 

The next day was a perfect sunny day and our own local guides with the same fancy car took us to see the best sights of Paraty. We saw a waterfall where you could slide down the rock along with the current and another one which hide a small cave behind the mass of the water and where you could also go inside. We had a great day full of activities but somehow we also had a feeling that we were more the attraction being blond girls on the back seats of the car and the boys were just showing us around. :) In any way, thanks to our local friends we saw some beautiful beaches and places which we couldn’t have found on our own. Overall, Paraty was definitely one of our favorite places in Brazil!

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