Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tango steps in Buenos Aires

When we first arrived to Buenos Aires, we were shocked of the weather – it was not that warm anymore! We actually had to dig out our jeans and jackets from the bottom of the backpacks which we weren't thinking of needing until Bolivia. Also being scammed on our first day (read the story above) we were quite suspicious about the city. However, after couple of days the sun was shining again and the more we explore the different areas of the city the more we felt in love with this beautiful place.

(Pink House - One of the main attractions in BA)

In BA we first stayed in the famous party hostel called Milhouse which is almost an attraction itself while all the travelers stay there at some point of their visit in the city and also all the locals know it! That weekend also happened to have St. Patrick’s day and the whole hostel had the green theme including the color of the beer. We met some cool travelers from all over the world but after that weekend we wanted to see the city more from the local point of view and therefore changed the hostels into couchcsurfing.

(Girls with their host in BA)

We ended up having an amazing host who made us feel very welcome at his home and showed us his favorite places in the city. And there is so much to see in the city! We spent our days wondering in the cemetery of Recoleta, which was like a little city with amazing graves of the richest of BA, shopping in the antique markets of San Telmo, watching tango in the picturesque La Boca, having picnics in the green parks of the city and visiting the famous balcony of the Pink house from the Evita movie. And of course we had to try the well-known Argentinian tango and went for a couple of dance classes to learn the basic steps. Even tought it was not that simple to learn but it was fun anyways! 

(The colourful houses of La Boca and tango on the street)

BA is a city that lives at night and that was something that we had to learn as well. This didn’t only mean about partying but also eating dinner really late. The typical time schedule for a night out was dinner around 10-12pm, drinking at someone’s home or in a bar until 2pm and after that go to a club until 6-7am! It was pretty hard to get used to this kind of lifestyle but we managed it fine in the end.

(Getting ready for the night of BA...)

During our stay in the city we got to know many locals who were all so friendly and nice people and we made many new friends to keep in touch with. BA was such an amazing city that we both felt like we could live there for a while so we are sure that both of us will come back there at some point…

 (Our local friend Maxi)


  1. Dios mio! Soy famoso ahora! Me encanta la idea de este blog, y me parece que es un poco verso el temita de que te acostumbraste a las largas noches. Vamos a ver como anda tu castellano ahora, de ultima: "you ask for a translation"
    Disfruten de su estadia en cordoba y suerte con el Cooordoooves!



    1. Hahah tu eres famoso en Finlandia! :) My castellano is already pretty good, I only needed to translate some parts. ;) Thanks a lot once again and enjoy your travels too!


      Henna & Magda
