Monday, April 29, 2013

Copacabana - Lake Titicaca

After La Paz it was time to visit one more place in Bolivia before heading to Peru. We wanted to visit a small town called Copacabana on the world’s highest Lake Titicaca but the road there had been closed for weeks because of some strikes of local farmers. We were lucky enough that the road just opened when we wanted to visit the place and as we arrived to the town it was still totally empty and had hardly any tourists there. 
The bus trip from La Paz was only three hours but we actually hadn’t sleep at all the night the before so even this trip felt pretty overwhelming… So as we got our room in Copacabana we couldn’t be happier to sleep couple of hours before exploring the town.

In Copacabana we did a tour to the legendary island of Isla Del Sol which is said to be the birthplace of the whole Inca mythology. The boat there was the slowest we ever have had and it took almost three hours to even get to this island! On the northern part of the island we had a guided tour to the ruins where the Inca creation legend began but before even getting there we had to hike an hour in the hottest time of the day. Hiking uphill in those altitudes is never easy and even with the help of local herbs the hike felt pretty exhausting… 

After the ruins we took the boat to the southern part of the island and there again climbed up the famous Inca stairs which includes hundreds of stairs. So in the end of the whole day trip we were pretty tired from all the hiking and climbing. But there was no time to rest as we wanted to continue our trip to Peru already the same evening! 


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