Monday, April 1, 2013

Following the footsteps of Che Guevara

After Buenos Aires we spent three days in the second biggest city of Argentina, called Cordoba. We had heard that the accent in Cordoba is really different and it almost sounds like singing but maybe it was just joking from the Porteños (people from BA) while these two cities always compete against each other. The accent in Cordoba was a bit difficult to understand but overall the Spanish in Argentina is so different from the Spanish we have learned at school that it took us for a while to understand anything in the beginning of our stay in the country. 

In Cordoba we mostly spent time with the lovely locals we met during our stay there. We had decided to do couchsurfing again and our host Jose was already experienced host while his place had visited over 100 travelers already! So the days in Cordoba we spent cooking together with our host and drinking the local drinks maté, Fernet with coke and wine. 

Overall Cordoba is a nice small city and the main things in the center you can easily see in one day. However, there is much to see around the city and therefore we also made a daytrip to another town called Alta Gracia. That town is also famous from the revolutionary Che Guevara, as he spent almost his whole childhood there. We also visited the house of the Guevara family which is now turned into a museum and thanks to Magda’s bargaining skills, we ended up paying the price of the locals while in almost every sightseeing place in Argentina the prices for the tourists are more than double. 

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