Sunday, April 14, 2013

Cowgirls in Tupiza

Our night bus from Salta to the border of Argentina and Bolivia was only seven hours but the bus ride was so bumpy that it was hard to get any sleep.  Also the closer to Bolivia we came, the colder it got and when we arrived to the border at seven in the morning it was still dark and we were totally frozen! Luckily the border crossing wasn’t a big problem and it took only half an hour and there we were - in Bolivia!

(Sunrise at the border of Argentina and Bolivia)
 (Markets in Tupiza)

We first arrived to a small border town called Villazon and it felt like we had entered to a totally different world. Nature, people, food and buildings were so different from Argentina and the altitude was much higher. From Villazon we took a two-hour bus to another town called Tupiza which is located in the altitude of almost 3000 meters! We could feel the effects of the altitude straight away while we were just walking in the town and felt out of breath even after couple hundreds meters of fast walking. It felt like we were not fit at all!  

The next day in Tupiza we did a horse riding tour with our new friends from the hostel and it was so much fun to ride a horse in the outback and see the amazing views of the mountains and cactuses. We felt like real cowgirls for the three hours riding and yes we felt the horse ride on our bums later!

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