Monday, April 22, 2013

Couple words about Bolivia

After our crazy adventures on the salt desert we needed couple of days rest to recover from all the things that happened during the trip. We decided to stay couple of days in a small town called Uyuni, which was perfect for resting as there was actually nothing else to do!

(A typical local town in Bolivia)
This town is the main hub fro the trips leaving to the salt deserts so besides hundreds of tour operators there were some restaurants in town. There are something funny about restaurants in Bolivia, especially touristic towns like Uyuni, because all the restaurants seemed to have exactly the same menu and the food they offered is mostly pizza and pasta. Many times when we asked about something else like salad, they didn't have it even that it was on the menu. One morning we were looking for a place to eat breakfast and we ended up going to five different restaurants before actually getting our cold scrambled eggs served.

(Locals on the street)

Also the service in Bolivia has been the worst we ever seen. The waitresses seems to serve one table on a time from an order to the bill and when they have finished one table it is time to move to the next customers. This meant that if a restaurant was half full they didn't let more people to come to eat as they could not handle that many tables at once.

Also many people in Bolivia seem to believe that all the Western people like old techno music. So in many restaurants they were playing the worst hits from the 90's as loud as they could even in the mornings trying to get more customers to their restaurant without realizing that the music was actually turning the people away.

We also found most Bolivian people quite serious and we hardly saw anyone smiling on the streets. Even the children looked preatty sad. Maybe it was just due to the altitude...

Anyways after spending time only in the small towns of Bolivia, we wanted to see if the capital would offer us something better - an it did!

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