Tuesday, April 23, 2013

High altitudes in La Paz

When we were arriving to La Paz by bus, we could see the amazing views of this city which is located in the 3660 meters – the houses build on the hills, snowy peak mountains on the background, locals with their colorful clothes… We knew already then that we are going love this city! 

We were by now quite used to the altitude from the previous places but the fact that the city is full of hills made it difficult to even walk around the city without feeling out of breath. The sun also felt so strong that it burned during the day but in the evenings the temperature dropped again to freezing cold.

For us La Paz was full of amazing shopping and crazy partying. First of all, the city is full of different markets and you can buy anything you can ever imagine from there – coca leaves, dead lamas, traditional clothes etc. We could spend hours wondering around the small shops full of colors and warm clothes and everything was so cheap! 

The nightlife of La Paz is something that we never have seen before – totally crazy! We were staying in the most famous party hostel of the city which had open bar a whole day. Theme parties, free shots, happy hours, table dancing – this was definitely the best place also to celebrate Magda’s birthday! The city itself doesn’t have that many clubs or bars but the few ones are always packed no matter what day of the week it is. The city is also famous for its coca-use and hidden clubs where you can buy coca straight from the bar! There is even a coca-museum in the city which tells everything about coca and the use of it.

We liked La Paz so much that we ended up staying there for a whole week. However, partying almost every day took our tolls and next we wanted to go to a tranquil place to relax…

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